I am very excited and happy to announce that I have made many changes over the last few months. In March I got a DBA. My massage business is now MyBodyWorks!
I finally published my own website:
and along with Natural Health Care & Family Chiropractic, http://www.doctorbonnie.net/ and Focus Hypnosis http://www.focus-hypnosis.com/ I moved the location of my massage studio to 12 Pond St. right in Natick Center http://maps.google.com/maps?q=12+Pond+St+Natick,+MA&client=safari&oe=UTF-8&gl=us&z=16&vpsrc=0
and on top of all that - MyBodyWorks! offers not only Therapeutic Massage, but also Rossiter Stretching Workouts... www.therossitersystem.com
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