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Saturday, August 4, 2012

Again! Again!

Last week, as I was putting together an appreciation package deal for my current clients, I was thinking about what makes some of them regular clients, what keeps them coming back?  Yes, some of it is that they like my massage, they like me - we're a good match for each other, but other people have said they like my massage, but they still don't come regularly.  What is the difference then?  So I asked a few of my clients why they take the time out of their busy lives to come here and get a massage regularly, some even weekly, even for a 2 hour massage!

Following are some of the responses.

  • After a massage I see how life's many challenges and aggravations have so much less power to cause anxiety and stress. 
  • I feel peaceful during and after and that carries over into my stressful business dealings.
  • I know its good for me and I've come to realize that I'm important!
  • It's easier to set a goal and to see the progress towards that goal.  
  • It keeps the stress at bay, doesn't let it take over.  
  • For me? it prevents sustained tension and possible injury. I've found that my muscles tighten and if they stay tense not only will I have pain, but I'm more apt to injure myself.  
  • I get massage weekly because it helps me to maintain a healthy balance emotionally.  It also frees me from chronic stiffness and discomfort. 
  • I'm more productive when I am not in pain.
  • It reduces the need for seeking medical attention and so I save money. 

Some of this reminded me of "put on your own oxygen mask first."  Take care of yourself first, then you're in better shape to care for what's important to you.  

So, is it just a matter of different perspectives - maintenance and prevention for some and "if it isn't broken don't fix it" for others?   prevent issues vs. fixing issues?  Hmm and now I think I need to ask people why they do not get regular massage!

Do you get massage regularly?  Why or why not?

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