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Tuesday, January 27, 2015


So, it's a snow day here in our area. Lots of snow, beautiful snow, a visual feast! 

But along with that comes shoveling. Here are some tips. 

  • Go slowly, pace yourself! Especially if you are not used to this level of activity.
  • Pick up small shovelfuls of snow at a time. In some places, I picked up snow from a top layer, then a middle layer, then the bottom layer. 
  • Use your body wisely. 
  • Switch it up! If you tend to shovel in one direction, trade every few minutes and use the shovel in the other direction. 
  • Bend at the knees to get down low, scoop up some snow and lift with your whole body, don't just lift with your arms and shoulders.
  • Stop after every 3rd shovelful or so and pause. Look up, smile, move your shoulders around, stretch out your arms or jump in the snow and make a snow angel!
  • Most importantly, breath in deeply, appreciate the fresh cold air and feast on the beauty surrounding you!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I am totally with you on all counts. Great advice. Those of us in frosty snowy climes need to bear all these things in mind...especially the breathing in the air and feasting on the beauty. best to you!
