You can search for massage therapists in your area by the usual means, the phone book, google, through AMTA's website, message boards at the local college or library or sometimes by looking at the coupon flyers you get in the mail. A really good way to find someone is to ask your friends, who do they go to and what about their therapist do they like?
The big question, however, is how do you find the right massage therapist for you? Whether you've ever had a massage before or not, with a new therapist, the first step is to call and talk. Ask questions! Ask about what you can expect. Ask if they can help you with your reason for seeking massage, ask for a description of the "style" of massage, or what they offer. Check out their website (or blog!) if they have one. Most of all, feel comfortable before scheduling. It is ok to say you have some other calls to make before making a decision. Whether or not you feel comfortable with a particular therapist is important!
You'll find that there are a variety of modalities of massage out there, Swedish for relaxation, deep tissue, MFR, CST, NMT, there is Lomi, lomi, thai massage, shiatsu, as well as movement or structural therapies, there is Feldenkrais, Rolfing, zero balancing and all manner of bodywork... there is massage specific to a situation, pregnancy, sports, medical... I probably cannot think of them all! If it is your first massage, you may want to check out a general relaxation massage, to experience a classic massage and to feel the touch of the therapist. Then as you become accustomed to massage, you will know what you like and be able to seek something more specific or the therapist will make suggestions about what they think will work for you. Keep communicating your needs to the therapist - a good therapist should be able to adjust based on your input.
Don't be afraid to try different therapists - we are none of us the same. Even each massage given by the same therapist will likely be different. Actually, some people see different therapists depending on their need at the time! Maybe they see one when that old injury is acting up, but see another for the blissful relaxation they induce.
In the end it is what you want and why you seek massage that is important. Keep searching for the therapist that works for you.