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Sunday, August 19, 2012

Body Balance Awareness Tip #3

When I first started this blog I started a body balance awareness series. Awareness of our bodies, as we go about our daily lives, and then adjusting, making small changes, can make a positive affect on how we feel. Here you can read Body Balance awareness tip #1 and tip #2.  Time for tip # 3!

Next time you are standing, cooking, talking to someone, or waiting in line for something, check in with yourself. How you are standing? Many of us find that we stand as this first picture shows. For women especially, that hip sticking out is a perfect "seat" for the little child. Did you know that when you stand like this habitually, that it can adversely affect the low back? When we stand like the first picture, with more weight on the left leg, the fascia, our connective tissue, is pulled from the powerful left Quadriceps (your thigh muscles) around from where it is connected in the right lower back. Over time, it causes an aching or chronic pain in your right lower back.

So, if you find you have chronic low back pain on one side, check your standing posture. Get in the habit of checking and adjusting to stand more evenly as in this 2nd picture.

Here is one way to make adjustments. Stand, evenly weighted on both feet and feel your feet on the floor, really connect with the ground. Bend your knees a bit and rock slightly until you find the comfortable place, where there is ease and less work for your body to hold yourself upright. Try it!

And, if you are already in chronic pain in the low back, you can try Rossiter. There is a workout that can fix that!

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