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Saturday, August 18, 2012

on paying attention

just some ramblings for this morning.  This morning has been a series of distractions. As I sit here jotting down - hmmm  "jotting down" implies I am using pencil and paper which, I am not - Although I do still very often use paper and pencil. I like it, I like the feel of it and I find I think better as I jot things down - ok another distraction, sorry.

as I was saying, as I was thinking of what to write for #9 in my 31in31 post, I began searching for a book I had, to remind me of the exact term I was trying to think of and started pulling out all the books, well, not all, but many books that caught my eye, books that triggered important and different memories  in my life.  It's a pretty eclectic grouping of books and I even avoided all the children't books I have collected over the years, and the environmental, education, gardening, naturalist books that all have had some influence in my life. (never did find that first book I was looking for)

anyway, one book, a gift by the author, signed by the author, reminded me of something important.

His name is Terry Bisson. We met once, in 1990 I think, during my gypsy, living in my gold and brown ford fiesta, with my cat Skelley, days.  My car brakes, broke.  I coasted into a camp site in South Carolina, set up my tent and at 8:00 in the morning, with my traveling cat, carefully drove down the street to the nearest garage. So as to not write a 2000 word post, here is the gist - long wait for parts needed, sitting around with not much to do (no phone, internet etc, although I probably had my notepad and pencil, my journal!) cat roaming the nearby woods and fields, another broken car, needing some part that was located in Charleston more than an hour away.  My car was fixed and I was schedule-free, so I lent my car to Terry...  His wife Judy took me to lunch and when all was said and done, Terry handed me a book, or maybe he just left it in the car?

  for Ellie a perfect stranger, Terry and Judy

Why does this day in my life occasionally come back to me?  Two things: 1. He gave me the opportunity to do a good thing, to help someone, someone who was a complete stranger. A person can feel empowered when they are able to help someone and there are no expectations. and 2. He noticed.  He paid attention and thanked me.  reminds me of another book, kindly sent to me in the mail by someone who I hadn't met yet at the time she sent me this book.  Pay Attention, say thank you by M. Gail Woodard.

So, two things: 1. ask people for help when you need it. People feel good when they can help, give them the opportunity!  and 2. pay attention!  Acknowledge people even if you don't know them. You may meet someone only once, get a massage from someone only once, but it could have an impact on their life in some small or big way.

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